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Abraham Lincoln: His Life,
Assassination & Springfield
By John T. Marck
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Abraham Lincoln
was born on February 12, 1809, in a log cabin near Hogenville, Hardin County
(now Larue County) Kentucky. His father was Thomas Lincoln, a migratory farmer
and carpenter, who was almost always poverty-stricken. His mother, Nancy
Hawks, died in 1818, shortly after the family moved to what is today Spencer
County, Indiana, and little is known about her. Thomas married Sarah Bush
Johnson, who turned out to be an excellent step-mother to Abraham, and
inspired him to educate himself. Abraham had very little formal education,
having attended schools in Kentucky and Indiana, that only amounted to about a
year of classroom schooling. He did teach himself, reading over and over the
few books that he owned, and any others he could get his hands on. In 1828,
he took a flatbed voyage down river to New Orleans, but little is actually
known of the trip. Two years later, the Lincoln family moved to Macon County,
Illinois. Abraham once again visited New Orleans, before settling in New
Salem, Illinois, near Springfield. Here he worked in a store and managed a
mill. The six-foot-four Lincoln soon became very popular with the
townspeople, due in part to his great physical strength and wonderful
storytelling, but more importantly his strength of character. In 1832, he was
made a captain of a volunteer company during the Black Hawk War, but his unit
never saw action.
He returned to
New Salem where he became a partner in a grocery store. The venture failed,
leaving him deeply in debt. From this point Lincoln held many jobs, including
a surveyor, postmaster in a small village, and rail splitting. Meanwhile, he
continued his passion for education and studied law.
In 1834, Lincoln
was elected to the state legislature where he would go on to serve four
successive terms until 1848. As a representative he acquired popularity as a
Whig. After studying on his own, he obtained his law license in 1836. The
following year he moved to Springfield and became a law partner of John T.
Stuart. As an attorney, Lincoln possessed a great ability in law, was an
excellent speaker, and understood the complexities of argument. Lincoln would
also go on to be law partners with Stephen Logan and William H. Herndon.
Lincoln’s love
interest at this time was Mary Todd. Although they had a worrisome courtship,
they married in 1842. Lincoln’s involvement in politics continued and he was
elected to Congress, serving one term from 1847-1849. During the Mexican War,
as a Whig, he attacked the motives behind the war, and thus was deemed
somewhat unpatriotic, and lost some of his popularity in his home state.
During his tenure in 1848, he worked for Zachary Taylor, a Whig candidate.
However, believing he would be reciprocated with the position of Commissioner
of the General Land Office, and not receiving this position, he became
disenchanted, leaving politics and returning to his law practice.
In 1854, he once
again entered politics upon getting caught up with the issue of slavery. He
strongly opposed the politics of Stephen A. Douglas, as well as the
Kansas-Nebraska Act. In Springfield and Peoria, Illinois,
he gave a
speech attacking the question of slavery and beseeched those Democratic ideals
embodied in the Declaration of Independence. In 1855, he decided to run for
Senate, but was defeated. By this time his beliefs were straying from that of
the Whigs, and leaning toward the new Republican party, thus he became a
Republican this same year. As an opponent of slavery he rose to the forefront
of the Republican party whose members believed he would carry the support of
both abolitionists and conservative Free-Stators at the Republican Convention
of 1856. Consequently, he was considered as a possible vice-presidential
candidate. In 1858, he was chosen to oppose Stephen A. Douglas in the
Illinois senatorial race. Lincoln accepted the nomination and challenged
Douglas to several debates, of which seven were held. Lincoln was
exceptional in his speeches and supported the Democratic beliefs and opposed
slavery. Although Lincoln would not have been classified as an abolitionist,
he did consider slavery an evil injustice. Again, he lost the election for
his bid for senator, but did make his mark as a likely presidential
candidate. At the Republican Convention in May 1860, Lincoln was nominated
for president. In the election, the Democratic party was split. Lincoln was
opposed by Douglas, a Northern Democratic; John C. Breckinridge, a Southern
Democratic; and John Bell, a Constitutional Unionist. In spite of this,
Lincoln was elected the sixteenth President of the United States by popular
election to President was a signal for secession in the South. Any and all
plans for compromise had failed. By the time Lincoln gave his inaugural
address, seven states had seceded from the Union. Lincoln condemned and
denounced secession, vowing to preserve the Union at all costs, while also
guaranteeing that no force would be used in doing so. Still, within a short
time, he ordered supplies be taken to Fort Sumter, and the South regarded this
as an act of war. On April 12, 1861, the South fired upon Fort Sumter and
the Civil War had begun.
Although Abraham
Lincoln is one of the most skilled and beloved Presidents, he did meet with
some criticism during the war years. Generally, he handled the war with
considerable skill and strength by the immediate issuance of a summons to the
militia (an act that caused the secession of four more Southern states); the
blockade of Confederate ports, and the suspension of Habeas Corpus. He
adhered to his decision to suspend Habeas Corpus in spite of the
Supreme Court ruling against him. He also extended his executive power, but
continued restraint in their regard.
During the war,
Lincoln steadfastly continued his course, in spite of the fact that his
cabinet was riddled with jealousy and hatred, causing him to act alone many
times, while maintaining his outstanding wisdom and tolerance. Early on in the
war, Lincoln made some bad military decisions. His decision to order Union
troops directly into Virginia resulted in their defeat at the First Battle of
Bull Run, as well as his frequent replacement of commanders before appointing
General Ulysses S. Grant commander-in-chief. Furthermore, he rescinded David
Hunter’s orders to free the slaves in their own military, but after Antietam,
issued his own orders, in the form of the Emancipation Proclamation.
Abraham Lincoln’s
greatest speech, and one of the greatest of all time, was his Gettysburg
Address in 1863. As the election drew near, Lincoln had lost support from
some of the Republican leaders. But, his appointment of Grant as
commander-in-chief, along with General William T. Sherman’s taking of Atlanta
and subsequent successful “March to the Sea,” clinched his reelection to a
second term by an overwhelming victory defeating his opponent, George B.
In President
Lincoln’s second inaugural address, he spoke of forgiveness, and a plea for a
new country, saying, “With malice toward none, with charity for all.”
Lincoln did live to see the end of the war, with General Lee surrendering the
Army of Northern Virginia on April 9, 1865. But, tragically, Lincoln did not
live to see peace. On April 14, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln, while
enjoying the play “Our American Cousin,” was shot at point-blank range
by John Wilkes Booth.
Lincoln’s body had been lying in state in the White House for three days, from
April 17 to 19, 1865. On April 19, a funeral service was held in the East
Room of the White House. Following the service, a long and solemn funeral
procession escorted the casket to the Capitol rotunda, where the public was
able to view it for three days. On April 21, the casket bearing the body of
Abraham Lincoln was taken from the Capital and put on board a special train
bound for Springfield, Illinois. On May 3, 1985, President Lincoln’s body
arrived at Springfield.
The Lincoln
Assassination Conspirators are tried
Andrew Johnson,
now the seventeenth President of the United States, ordered on May 10, 1865,
the formation of a military commission to try the accused persons arrested in
connection with the assassination of President Lincoln.
The trial began
on May 10, on the third floor of the Old Arsenal Penitentiary, that today is
located on the grounds of Fort Lesley J. McNair. The trial lasted until June
30, 1865. The presiding officer was the Honorable Judge Advocate General
Joseph Holt. Although the defendants were permitted to be represented by
counsel, and could call witnesses, they were not permitted to testify
The Military
Commission consisted of the following members: Lieutenant Colonel David R.
Clendenin, Brevet Colonel Charles Tompkins, Brigadier General Thomas M.
Harris, Brigadier General Albion P. Howe, Brevet Brigadier General James A.
Ekin, Major General Lew Wallace, Major General David Hunter, Brigadier General
Robert S. Foster, Brevet Major General August V. Kautz, the Honorable John
Bingham (Congressman -Special Judge Advocate), Colonel Henry L. Burnett
(Special Judge Advocate), and Brigadier General Joseph Holt (Judge Advocate
and Recorder).
During the two
month trial, Major General Lew Wallace made several pencil sketches of the
defendants, except Mrs. Surratt, who wore a heavy veil throughout the trial.
Charged with
conspiracy and the attempted assassination of Secretary of State William
Seward. Paine did enter the Seward’s home the night of Lincoln’s
assassination, and knifed and pistol-whipped five people in the house,
including Seward. Fortunately, all five survived. Paine was found guilty,
sentenced to death, and hanged on July 7, 1865.
Charged with
conspiracy for his part in guiding Paine to Seward’s house, and for assisting
Booth during the twelve days they fled from Federal authorities. Herold was
found guilty, sentenced to death, and hanged on July 7, 1865.
Charged with
conspiracy in that he conspired with Booth. Although he made no attempt to
kill Vice-President Andrew Johnson, he nonetheless asked suspicious questions
of the Kirkwood House bartender. He was found guilty, sentenced to death, and
hanged on July 7, 1865.
Charged with
conspiring with Booth, as well as aiding him during his escape by providing
shelter and rendering medical aid by setting his broken leg. He was found
guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. However, he received a pardon from
President Johnson in February 1869. He returned to his home near Waldorf,
Charles County, Maryland, where he lived until his death from pneumonia on
January 10, 1883.
Charged with
being a part of Booth’s earlier plot to kidnap President Lincoln. He was
found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment, but was pardoned in 1869 with
Dr. Mudd. He died in 1906.
As with Arnold,
O’Laughlen was charged with the conspiracy to kidnap the President. He was
found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment, but died in Fort Jefferson
Prison of yellow fever on September 23, 1867.
Charged with
assisting Booth in his escape from Ford’s Theatre. He was found guilty and
sentenced to six years imprisonment. He was pardoned along with the others in
1869. After his release, he worked in Baltimore for John Ford until 1873. He
then traveled to Dr. Mudd’s house where he lived on some land given him by the
doctor. He died February 7, 1875.
Charged with
conspiring with Booth, in that she provided supplies, ran errands, and
facilitated Booth’s escape. It was further alleged that Booth and his
coconspirators used her boardinghouse to hold meetings. She was found
guilty, sentenced to death, and hanged on July 7, 1865. She was the first
woman to be executed in the United States.
The Objects of
Lincoln and Booth
The objects that
were saved the night of Lincoln’s assassination were done so for their
historical value. Among those were the President’s clothes, gloves, boots,
cane and contents of his pockets.
The objects
found in his pockets are: a pocketknife, linen handkerchief, sleeve button,
watch fob, two pairs of spectacles, a tiny pencil, a leather wallet that
contained a Confederate five-dollar bill, and nine newspaper clippings, that
dealt with praising the President, and others that dealt with the issues of
the day that were on Lincoln’s mind. Also preserved were Lincoln’s white
shirt and tie, and black suit that included a vest and a long-skirted frock
coat; his size 14 black leather boots, that were banded at the top with
maroon goatskin, and white gloves. The gloves were found stuffed in his coat
pockets. Lincoln did not like to wear them, and considered them a nuisance,
but carried them to please his wife, who felt that a gentleman should cover
his hands. Other items preserved were Lincoln’s beaver hat and silver-headed
ebony cane.
Lincoln’s black walnut chair in which he was sitting when assassinated was
owned by John T. Ford. It was Lincoln’s favorite, and Ford brought it from
his home whenever Lincoln attended performances at Ford’s Theatre. Close
inspection of the chair shows that there is a dark stain on the back in the
red upholstery, that was thought to be blood at the time. However, the
stain is actually from the soiling left from the hair ointment that was
fashionable for men during this time. The chair is on display at the Henry
Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. This is the “Ford” of automobile fame,
and no relation to Ford’s Theatre.
The State Box
where Lincoln sat at Ford’s Theatre was decorated with five flags, four of
which were U.S., and the fifth being a Treasury Department Regimental flag.
The engraving in the center is that of George Washington. Today, visitors
to Ford’s Theatre can see two original items that were present on the day of
the assassination. They are the Washington engraving, and the sofa in which
Major Rathbone and his fiancée sat that fateful night.
The derringer,
and lead ball, used by John Wilkes Booth have been preserved and can be seen
today. The derringer is six inches in length, with a two and one-half-inch
barrel, and was manufactured by Henry Derringer of Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. It is commonly referred to as the “Philadelphia Derringer.”
The trigger and mountings were made of German silver, and the butt of the
weapon contained a small box that held an extra percussion cap. On the
night of the assassination, it was found on the floor of the State Box at
Ford’s by William T. Kent. Today it is in the museum in the basement of
Ford’s Theatre. When an autopsy was performed on President Lincoln, the
lead ball, that had lodged in his brain, was removed. It remained in the
possession of the War Department until 1940, when it was turned over to the
Department of the Interior. In 1956, the War Department requested it back
from the Department of the Interior, and they complied. In 1956, it was
placed on display and remains so today at the Walter Reed Army Medical
Museum in Washington, D.C. Also on display are fragments of Lincoln’s
skull, and the vertebrae of John Wilkes Booth. The museum is located at
Elder and Georgia Avenue.
The Bowie knife
that Booth used to stab Major Rathbone was seven and one-quarter inches in
length and was razor sharp.
Biological Facts
Abraham Lincoln
16th President
Term- March 4,
1861 to April 15, 1865
Republican Party
Sinking Spring Farm, Hardin County, Kentucky, February 12, 1809.
Springfield, Illinois, November 4, 1842 to Mary Todd, who was born in
Lexington, Kentucky, December 13, 1818. Mary died in Springfield, Illinois,
July 16, 1882, and is buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Illinois.
Robert Todd (1843-1926); Edward Baker (1846-1850); William Wallace
(1850-1862); Thomas ("Tad”) (1852-1871).
Eighth & Jackson Streets, Springfield, Illinois.
Tutors, self-educated.
No specific denomination.
before Presidency:
Store Clerk; store owner; ferry pilot; surveyor; postmaster; lawyer.
Served in volunteer company for three months during Black Hawk War (1832).
Member of Illinois General Assembly; Member of U.S. House of
at Inauguration:
Vice President: Hannibal Hamlin of Maine, Inauguration March 4, 1861, The
Capital, Washington, D.C.
Vice President: Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, Inauguration March 4, 1865, The
Capital, Washington, D.C.
Washington, D.C., April 15, 1865.
Cause of
Assassination at age 56. Shot by John Wilkes Booth, April 14, 1865, at
Ford's Theatre, Washington, D.C.
Place of
Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Illinois.
Lincoln was a passionate reader, and would walk as far as twenty miles to
get books. Being self-educated he taught himself law and became a successful
lawyer. His speeches and writings are legend, including his Gettysburg
Address and his Emancipation Proclamation, which directed that all slaves be
President Lincoln once signed a check that was merely endorsed to a
one-legged colored man.
Tragically, there are three similarities in the assassinations of President
Lincoln and President Kennedy. They were both shot on a Friday, in the back
of the head, while sitting next to their wives.
Springfield Home
The Lincoln
Home Visitor Center, located at 426 South Seventh Street in Springfield is
open from 8:30 a.m. to 5p.m. daily except January 1st, Thanksgiving, and
December 25th.
When you walk
into Lincoln’s Springfield home you are immediately taken back to the 1800s,
a feeling that Lincoln himself still lived there. As you look down the
hallway, you’ll notice a coat rack, where is placed Lincoln’s stovepipe hat,
and scarf. You almost say to yourself, “Oh, I see Mr. Lincoln is home.”
As the Lincoln
Home National Historic Site reports, “The Visitor Center and first floor of
the Lincoln Home are accessible as are the exhibits "What a Pleasant Home
Abe Lincoln Has" and "If These Walls Could Talk." Wheelchairs are available
for use within the Site. Accessible parking is available in the Site's
parking lot. Personal amplified listening devices are available for loan.
Touchable plaster casts of Mr. Lincoln's face and hands are also available.
The orientation film, "At Home with Mr. Lincoln" is captioned.
friends – No one, not in my situation, can appreciate my feeling of sadness
at this parting. To this place, and the kindness of these people, I owe
An emotional Abraham Lincoln opened his farewell remarks to the citizens of
Springfield, Illinois with these words on February 11, 1861. Lincoln was
leaving his friends and neighbors of twenty‑four years, and the home that he
and his family had lived in for seventeen years, to serve as president of a
nation on the verge of Civil War.
The Lincoln home,
the centerpiece of the Lincoln Home National Historic Site, has been restored
to its 1860s appearance, revealing Lincoln as husband, father, politician, and
President‑elect. It stands in the midst of a four block historic neighborhood
which the National Park Service is restoring so that the neighborhood, like
the house, will appear much as Lincoln would have remembered it.
There are a
variety of visitor activities available at Lincoln Home National Historic
Site. The only access to the Lincoln Home is with a free ticket for a specific
tour time. Free tickets and Site orientation are provided at the Visitor
Center Information Desk. School groups, charter tours, or other large groups
must reserve Lincoln Home tours in advance by contacting the Springfield
Convention and Visitors Bureau.
The Visitor
Center: Here the free Lincoln Home tour tickets are distributed at the Visitor
Center Information Desk. The Visitor Center also offers an orientation film,
temporary exhibits, a Museum Shop, Springfield area information, and
Exhibits are
located within the historic Lincoln neighborhood, including "What a Pleasant
Home Abe Lincoln Has" in the Dean House which focuses on the Lincoln family's
life in Springfield and "If These Walls Could Talk” in the Arnold house which
focuses on historic preservation.
Also, you may
stroll through the four‑block historic area to see some of the houses of the
Lincoln neighborhood. One should plan on 1½ to 2 hours for a comprehensive
After one visits
Monticello and Mount Vernon, you next stop should definitely be Lincoln’s home
in Springfield.
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